My Services
Have any questions or concerns? Please contact me on the contact page.

If you want to bounce ideas off of a licensed therapist prior to committing to a writing project or if you just want to get feedback or additional insight into a work in progress, this would be a cost effective way to do so. Purchase session time with me in one-hour increments for $90/hr. You won’t find prices this cheap for a therapist anywhere. You’ll be expected to fill out in the character intake form ahead of the appointment to make sure to maximize your time (or your character’s time) on the couch.
I’m available to edit manuscripts with or without a mental health component to make sure that you as the author or screenwriter stay true to psychological facts and characterization. Price will depend on number of pages and the type of edit desired (copyedit, line edit, substantive, macro edit, etc.). I am open to reviewing detailed synopses, first chapters, particular scenes, or entire manuscripts. Email me with your project specifics for a quote.